Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) will be held 10 May to 16 Jun 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) is a firmly-established high-point of the Vienna cultural calender, offering exciting theatre productions as well as a great number of orchestra concerts, recitals and chamber music performances. The Wiener Festwochen were established in 1951. Emerging as a "demonstration of Austria's will to survive", the festival was to prove to the world that a city marked by the ravages of war and its aftermath was able to engage in cultural activities.Undoubtedly, the Wiener Festwochen today serve a different function and fulfil other tasks. Vienna has become an undisputed cultural metropolis, and the Festwochen have evolved into an innovative, international event. Yet this is precisely why the Wiener Festwochen cannot tolerate stagnation. Proven approaches may lose their significance in the face of a changing co-ordinate system of international relationships and traditions. Thus, it is an objective of the festival to search for new aspects, to inspire discussions of current artistic production, and to provide an answer to - not only artistic - developments. Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) is an event and I like events...
A bit more everyday (13-16 jun)
An Ideal Husband. Comedy
By heart
Città del Vaticano
Dark Circus
de marfim e carne – as estátuas também sofrem
Der Auftrag. Erinnerung an eine Revolution
Die Passagierin
Eröffnung / Opening Ceremony Wiener Festwochen…
Festwochen-Zentrum im Künstlerhaus
Festwochen-Zentrum im Künstlerhaus
Festwochen-Zentrum im Künstlerhaus
Festwochenkonzerte 2020
Ludwig van Beethoven / Marc Minkowski / Dmitri Tcherniakov
Fyodor’s Performance Carousel
Isoldes Abendbrot
Koncert życzeń
Mi gran obra (un proyecto ambicioso)
Mount Olympus. To Glorify the Cult of Tragedy
Naše nasilje i vaše nasilje
Oameni obişnuiţi
Primal Matter
Susan Sontag Revisited
The Encounter
Thinking Aloud/Allowed
Three Sisters
Tschewengur. Die Wanderung mit offenem Herzen
Universal Hospitality
Wehe den eiskalten Ungeheuern
Wir Hunde / Us Dogs