Sudback will be held 24 to 27 Oct 2026 in Stuttgart, Germany. Sudback is one of the most important trend trade fairs for the bakery and confectionery trade in Germany and is in great demand. Stuttgart Bakery & Confectionary Show is the hub for the exchange of ideas, opinions and information, as well as for the presentation of trends, developments and technical innovations. The high quality of the forum presentations and the baking demonstrations attract many visitors. At südback, almost 650 exhibitors meet professional visitors from the German-speaking world and neighbouring countries. At the trade fair stands companies present on approximately 55,000 square metres of exhibition space the key areas of working and operating technology, raw materials, merchandise, shop fixtures and fittings, sales promotion, as well as services associated with the bakery and confectionery trades. In the diverse accompanying programme professional visitors exchange information and ideas with colleagues, international market leaders and other experts on current trends and discuss developments and future opportunities of the industry. Sudback is an event and I like events...
With südback Messe Stuttgart presents one of the most important trend trade fairs for the bakery and confectionery trades. The focal points of Stuttgart Bakery fair cover the areas services, information and management, sales promotion, merchandise, working and operating technology, office fixtures and fittings and raw materials for bakers and confectioners. Also snacks and the increasing out of home market gain importance at the südback. The bakers' forum and the confectioners' forum offer the opportunity to obtain information in greater depth with presentations of the baking demonstrations. The südback Trend Award is also presented within the framework of the trade fair. Here innovative product developments in the industry are awarded in terms of technology, design and concept.
The percentage of specialist visitors has been almost 100% for many years. This means: At südback concentrated curiosity meets extensive know how and expertise - the best foundation for intensive dialogue and new contacts. The visitors come from companies in the bakery and confectionery trade, from commercial enterprises and service companies, from the bakery and supply industry. Café operators, restaurant owners, hoteliers, canteens, as well as caterers and party services, are also some of the interested parties. Over one third of the visitors is active in production, a further 42% are at top management level.