Admin | Created on Sunday, 07 February 2016

Road & Traffic Exhibition will be held 15 to 17 Oct 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Road & Traffic Exhibition is a specialized event in the Caspian region, which gathers professionals involved in road infrastructure, public transport, road safety and information technology sectors under the same roof. This is a unique opportunity to provide industry professionals with up-to-date solutions in the design and construction of roads, bridges and tunnels; to explore the needs of the market and the possibility of selling your ITS-related products; to meet with public transport operators of Azerbaijan and to take part in tenders related to this field; to meet with the leadership of the Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan, Baku Metro, specialized government agencies and experts of contractor companies in the road construction sector. Road & Traffic Exhibition is an event and I like events...

News of Road & Traffic Exhibition

Countdown to Road & Traffic Exhibition Kick-off

Available services for Road & Traffic Exhibition

Exhibition Sectors of Road & Traffic Exhibition Baku:

Road Infrastructure:

  • Engineering and construction of roads, bridges and tunnels
  • Urban Planning
  • Road building and communal machinery and equipment
  • Tunnel-boring systems
  • Road pavements, geosynthetic materials, asphalt and concrete mixing plants
  • Geodesy, Cartography, GIS systems
  • Parking

ITS, Traffic Management:

  • Telematics systems
  • Traffic and passenger flow control systems
  • Vehicles identification systems
  • Navigation systems

Public Transport:

  • Buses, taxis, trams
  • Metro (underground) – rolling stock 
  • Fare payment systems
  • Underground rolling stock,station equipment
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Elevators and escalators
  • Products and services for passengers with disabilities

Road safety:

  • Road signs, guardrails
  • Road lighting
  • Road markings
  • Traffic light, special light and audio signal emitting devices 
  • Speed monitoring system
  • Alco testers
  • Uniforms


Visitors Profile of Public Transport Exhibition Baku:

  • Representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Representatives of state committees and agencies of the road construction sector
  • Private and state operators of city taxi and public transport
  • Representatives of State Сartography and Topography bureaus
  • Roadside furniture producers and distributors
  • Architects
  • Representative of state institutes of road safety
  • Managers and specialists of Baku metro
  • Owners and managers of business centers, parks of entertainment and rest places
  • Managers and specialists of road, motorway and bridge construction companies
  • Mass media representatives
  • Representatives of diplomatic body

Also managers and specialists of the companies, institution and bureaus in the field of:

  • metro construction and tunnel drilling
  • public transport
  • road and highway maintenance
  • city utility
  • construction
  • road-building machines and equipment producing
For further information, please click here .
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Venue of Road & Traffic Exhibition

Baku Expo Center
515, H. Aliyev ave., AZ1050, Baku, Azerbaijan

Weather Forecast of Road & Traffic Exhibition

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