Admin | Created on Tuesday, 01 September 2015

Pharmintech will be held 27 to 30 May 2025 in Milan, Italy. Pharmintech is the international rendezvous dedicated to the pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry celebrates its 16th anniversary in excellent health. In this manner, the entire supply chain for the pharmaceutical world will converge into a unified rendezvous. In Pharmintech will have new technology focus: - PHARMA SAFETY, an exhibition area specifically dedicated to drug anticounterfeiting, but also to the manufacturing and logistics solutions for security and data traceability, and to drug security in the supply chain; - the partnership with the Union of Italian Manufacturers of Packaging Machinery (UCIMA) brings with it the additional involvement of the packaging machines and materials sector. Pharmintech is an event and I like events...

News of Pharmintech

Countdown to Pharmintech Kick-off

Available services for Pharmintech

Why visit Pharmintech?

  • Because Pharmintech is a unique showcase for the pharmaceuticals production chain, presenting expert solutions & processes and interesting previews.
  • Because Pharmintech is a concrete answer to those who seek innovation, skills and know-how in the production and packaging processes for the pharmaceutical sector.
  • Because Pharmintech puts on display a full range of products and processes, encompassing all production sectors, including the subcontracting market, intermediate pharmaceutical products, services.
  • Because the 2022 edition will present innovative high-tech solutions in areas such as drug anti-counterfeiting, data security and traceability, pharmaceutical waste handling and disposal.
  • Because Pharmintech will take place, in parallel with Cosmofarma, during the Pharma Week: a week not to be missed, entirely dedicated to the pharmaceutical world.
  • Because Pharmintech offers a rich program of meetings, workshops and international seminars.
  • Because Pharmintech can provide answers to diversified needs, concerning different industrial sectors and specialised fields of expertise within each.

Why exhibit Pharmintech ?

  • Because Pharmintech is the most highly qualified European showcase, dedicated to the technological supply chain in the service of the pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical and nutritional industry, a veritable benchmark for those who want to grow and take advantage of new opportunities at international level.
  • Because Pharmintech is the most important venue to exchange ideas and get up to date on new technical developments in Italian pharmaceutics, the only sector in Italy that has grown over the last 5 years in terms of output and has retained high investment levels.
  • Because Pharmintech visitors are professional trade operators from all over the world, highly qualified and with decision-making power.
  • Because Pharmintech takes place, in parallel with Cosmofarma, during the Pharma Week• Because Pharmintech takes place, in parallel with Cosmofarma, during the Pharma Week


A complete and comprehensive international exhibition covering all aspects of the supply chain, from manufacturing to technologies, packaging materials and highly beneficial services.


Sneak previews, expertise and know-how in processing, product development, data governance, regulation, and packaging.


Supply chain meets and networks with international LifeScience operators in Italy, the leading country in chemical-pharmaceutical manufacturing.

For further information, please click here .
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Venue of Pharmintech

Fiera Milano
Raccordo A8 - Fiera Milano Milano, Italy

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