Admin | Created on Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) will be held 01 to 04 Nov 2023 in Seoul, South Korea. Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) is one of the largest invention fairs in the Wworld and a gateway to the world market. This Exhibition is organized to market your inventions and to promote information sharing and it ss a 4-day event where inventors and researchers showcase their new ideas and products to manufacturers, investors, distributors, licensing firms, and the general public. Marketing experts, IP information suppliers, patent attorneys, and technology transfer firms will also participate in the exhibit to help participants commercialize their inventions. SIIF purpose is to hold a wholly integrated invention fair providing inventors from all over the world with comprehensive information on the commercialization of inventions, patent information, and technology transfer. SIIF not only gives you the chance to display your new products but also serves as a venue for consultation on commercialization and intellectual property rights for the new market. Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) is an event and I like events...

News of Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF)

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Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) Exhibition services

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Why You should Attend Seoul International Invention Fair 2023?

  • One of the largest annual invention fairs in the world.
  • A great opportunity to have your ideas and inventions promoted in the Asian market, an already huge and still growing market
  • In SIIF2014, 723 inventions from 34 countries and around 40,000 spectators came to visit.

Who Can Exhibit at SIIF Expo South Korea 2023?

Individual inventors and researchers, Enterprises, Patent Offices, Suppliers of IP Information, Technology Transfer Organizations, and IP related institutions

For further information, please click here .
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Venue of Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF)

COEX Convention & Exhibition Center
159 Samseong dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-731, S. Korea

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