Carnival of Venice will be held 27 Jan to 13 Feb 2024 in Venice, Italy. Carnival of Venice is the world famous festival that is world-famed for its elaborate masks. Carnival, being a pre-Lent festival, means 'farewell to meat' and is celebrated throughout Italy and especially in Venice. Venice may be sinking, but Venice Carnival is elevating in its latest incarnation. It's amazing that this festival full of nostalgia is just a few decades renewed after going dark for two centuries. Both this city and this celebration are about getting lost and wandering. The meandering maze of alleyways is a metaphor for one's mind, soul and identity. Wearing a mask allows both reflection and fantasy to arise. In this modern day of cyber avatars, Venice Carnival is much more real, rich and resonant than any video game. While some may see it as just a set of aristocratic, fancy masquerade balls, it can be seen as more mysterious and full of serendipity. This Carnival is made for visually-minded introverts, and it doesn't have to be expensive. The grand masquerade balls might cost a fortune, but all you need is a mask and your wild imagination and you can wander the mist-shrouded alleys for days marveling at the mystery of many ghoulish identities. Carnival of Venice is an event and I like events...
The original Carnival of Venice took place in 1162 to honor one of Venice's victorious battles when the city was known as the "Repubblica della Serenissima." It took more than a hundred years before city leaders proclaimed Carnival an official event, and then it grew until its wild peak in the 18th century, when Venice was renowned as the pleasure capital of Europe, producing the likes of the famously hedonistic Casanova. But the glory days of Carnival came tumbling down when the party-crashing Napoleon invaded Venice in 1797. He killed Carnival for almost 200 years. It wasn't until 1979 that, in order to boost tourism, the city of Venice brought back this Old World-style party. In fact, this historic spin is what sets this Carnival apart from other famous celebrations like those in Rio or New Orleans.
To best understand Carnival of Venice, you need to understand the importance of the maschera or masks. The mask allowed citizens to behave wildly and adopt alter egos without the fear of social consequence. This physical transformation permitted a judgment of character based purely upon the mask and costumes rather than roles of society.
Italian masquerade has several typical masks:
The Bauta is the most common and covers the upper face, nose and cheeks while allowing the wearer to eat, drink and speak freely. The Bauta was used in both Carnival and everyday life.
Moretta masks originated in France. Moretta means "dark" and represents the mysterious, a common theme during these ten days. It is feminine and covers the face with soft curves.
The Volto (Italian for "face") or Larva (Latin for "ghost") are the simplest "ghost masks" covering the entire face with decorated white and are accompanied by a cloak.
The most frightening of the bunch is the Medico della Peste or the Plague Doctor. A long beaked nose, overcoat and white gloves were thought to serve as protection during the 17th-century outbreak of the plague.
The most revered of the events is the official opening of Carnival at St. Mark's Square, which is the center of most festivities. Not to be missed is "The Flight of the Angel," which begins at noon and commemorates the 16th-century Turkish acrobats who wowed crowds with daring tightrope walks. In the modern-day celebration, an "angel" flies on a steel cable above the costumed crowd to the string music of Vivaldi. The plaza is packed with everyone from disguised dignitaries to the colorful masses. From there, the crowd disperses into the back alleys and canals to wander by foot and gondola.