Stone+tec will be held 17 to 20 Jun 2026 in Nuremberg, Germany. Stone+tec is Germany’s leading trade fair for Natural Stone and Stone processing Technology. Over a period of four days, the trade fair presents the entire spectrum of modern natural stone processing, from traditional natural stone and innovative materials through machinery, tools, chemical care products and cleaners to gravestones and religious masonry. If you are interested in the whole range of the natural stone sector, Stone+tec is exactly the right exhibition for you! The natural stone platform for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the neighbouring countries offers you networking opportunities and good potential for gaining new customers! Over 540 well-known companies present their products and solutions at this event – you can’t afford to miss it! Stone+tec is an event and I like events...
58 % of the visitors at Stone+tec 2020 wanted information about new products. You too should use Stone+tec as sector platform and show your new products to a qualified and interested professional audience.
90 % of the exhibitors at Stone+tec 2020 reached their most important target group. Here you get talking to your target audience and find out at first hand what products and services are in demand and what issues your customers are concerned about. Present your products and services in an environment geared exclusively to your target group.
Stone+tec offers you excellent opportunities for making new contacts. Be there and show your presence! New ideas and valuable impetus are created in dialogue – and, of course, new business contacts too.
The figures from 2020 show the importance of Stone+tec as a meeting place for the natural stone and natural stone processing industry. Altogether 64 % of the visitors in the past obtained an overview of the market and used Stone+tec for cultivating their contacts. 30 % of the visitors used Stone+tec specifically for exchanging views and sharing knowledge. The exhibition and supporting programme offers you as exhibitor the perfect platform for personal dialogue with associations, customers and other representatives from the sector. Here you can work together on shaping the future!
Natural Stone:
Additional Materials:
Gravestones and Accessories:
All the relevant suppliers from the natural stone and gravestone segment all over the world present their products here. Discover the range of innovative products and update on current processing technologies and tomorrow’s trends.
Stone+tec is the meeting place for all experts from the segments of natural stone, natural stone technology, and gravestones and accessories from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the neighbouring countries. The variety of opportunities for dialogue and the creative atmosphere give you valuable impetus for your future work. The product segment “Additional Materials” offers new perspectives. Learn how new materials can be used and what solutions there are for your specific questions.
Seminars and forums in the supporting programme offer you extra specialist information. Shows on special topics showcase the diversity of the industry. The German Natural Stone Award and the Peter Parler Award are also presented at Stone+tec.
Stone+tec in cooperation with professional partners shows you new ways of increasing the attractiveness and the market share of natural stone. The event is supported by associations such as the Bundesinnungsverband des Deutschen Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks (Federal Guild of German Stonemasons and Stone Sculptors), the Deutscher Naturwerkstein Verband e.V. (German Natural Stone Association) and the Fachverband Fliesen und Naturstein im Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes (German Tile and Natural Stone Association).