GCC-Turkey Forum 2015 will focus on:
- Assembling the right key players for guaranteed improved collaboration
- Creating business opportunities for the GCC and Turkish companies
- Creating partnerships and joint ventures between GCC and Turkish manufacturers
- Creating partnerships and joint ventures with Turkey’s neighboring states (Eastern Europe, Russia, CIS countries)
- Enhancing GCC investments in Turkey and vice versa
- Exchanging technological know-how and training
- Exploring opportunities in foreign markets
- Favoring exchange of knowledge through education, training and open dialogue
- Identifying partnership proposals between SMEs from different sectors in Turkey and the GCC
- Increasing trade volume between the GCC, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Russia, and CIS countries
- Signing economic cooperation and trade agreements
- Working on innovation development
The conference will attract participants from both the public and private sectors, especially sovereign funds, along with Gulf, Turkish and European officials and business owners from both sectors, to address a number of important topics, including the investment climate and organizational foundations required to open businesses in the GCC countries and Turkey.
- Creating networking opportunities between potential Turkish and GCC partners
- Favoring exchange of top expertise and best practices
- Introducing strategies and incentives to develop the SME sector in the region
Why Take Part in Turkey-GCC Business Forum?
- Network with key decision makers, strengthen your international public relations, and link with SMEs working in the same field
- Create overseas partnerships, sign international business contracts, and broaden your market reach
- Discover investment opportunities in various sectors of both economies by getting insights on the latest trends and updates
- Learn from a planned series of informative seminars and panel discussions by exchanging expertise and ideas in an open forum
Exhibition profile in Turkey-GCC Investment Exhibition:
- Agro – Food Industry
- Aluminium & Steel
- Education
- Electrical Industries
- Healthcare
- Islamic Banking
- Jewellery
- Oil & Gas
- Plastic & Petrochemicals
- Rail & Transport
- Textiles & Clothes
- Tourism
- Trade
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