The Congress program will feature internationally recognized invited speakers, platform lectures, panels, and workshops, as well as oral presentations and poster sessions selected from the submitted abstracts. Over 1400 multidisciplinary professionals attended and Over 900 scientific abstracts we submitted by professionals from over 40 countries in our last Congress in San Francisco, California in 2014.
The theme of the 2019 Congress will be Brain Injury: from Cell to Society.
The congress topics:
- A Pathway of Care for Patients with TBI
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Control Engineering and Rehabilitation
- Disorders of Consciousness (I)
- Disorders of Consciousness (II)
- DOC SIG Symposium
- EBIS Symposium
- EMN Symposium
- Ethics Session
- IPBIS: Pediatric Brain Injury
- IPBIS Symposium
- Mild TBI and Outcome – The Role of Emotion Regulation, Stress and Coping
- Neurocontrol: New Developments in Assessing Outcomes
- Neuropsychiatry of TBI
- Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Opening up New Horizons in Neurorehabilitation
- Prevalence and Correlates of a Lifetime History of TBI in the Adult, General Population
- Symposium on Behavior and Social Cognition
- TBI and Stress Disorders
- WFNR IBIA Symposium: Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms: What Clinicians and Researchers Should Know
Finally, the Congress seeks to provide didactic opportunities for clinicians interested in advancing their knowledge in brain injury science, medicine and care. The official language of the Congress is English, and sessions are open to all delegates registering to attend the event. This event will take place on March, 2019, in The Hague, the Netherlands.The Hague is one of the most extraordinary cities in Europe. Not just because of its world famous international organizations like the International Court of Justice, but also because of its many monuments, historic districts and its location near the beautiful North Sea coastline.
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