Shoes & Leather Guangzhou will be held 15 to 17 May 2025 in Guangzhou, China. Shoes & Leather Guangzhou has dedicated as a premier trade fair with distinguished business opportunity and success. Forging to be larger in terms of exhibitors and visitors, Shoes & Leather Guangzhou is a perfect platform continuing to showcase the shoe and leather industrial machinery, equipment, materials, accessories, leather, design and technology. The organizers make Shoes & Leather Guangzhou a priority to introduce new machinery and equipment, products, materials, systems and technology and new company initiatives at the show, making it the most promising and indispensable event of the year. Shoes & Leather Guangzhou is an event and I like events...
The show is open to professional and trade visitors from related industries only, ages under 18 will not be admitted to the show. The organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to person whose presence, in the reasonable opinion of the organizer, undesirable.
For further information, please click here .