Admin | Created on Monday, 11 January 2016

LABVOLUTION will be held 20 to 22 May 2025 in Hanover, Germany. LABVOLUTION is new and great trade fair for laboratory technology in Northern Europe. LABVOLUTION is a meeting-place for industry, research and science. You will also benefit from optimal conditions that ensure the right setting for developing business leads, testing out innovations and evaluating market trends. As an interdisciplinary, cross-industry platform for laboratory technology, LABVOLUTION presents all the trends and innovations from diverse areas such as research, analysis, production and training laboratories. This event will bring trade visitors together with suppliers and service providers. And you won’t need to travel the world to get there. It is easy to get to LABVOLUTION in Hannover – you could even visit the two events in one day – LABVOLUTION and BIOTECHNICA. LABVOLUTION is an event and I like events...


Countdown to LABVOLUTION Kick-off

Available services for LABVOLUTION


  • Meeting place for industry, research and science
  • Platform for products, new developments, trends and futureoriented ideas
  • Effective springboard to the sales markets of Northern Europe: North, West and East Germany, the United Kingdom, Benelux, Northern France, Scandinavia, Poland, the Baltic states, etc.
  • Products and services for research, analytical, production and training laboratories
  • Exhibitors will benefit from the LABVOLUTION concept, which comprises inter-related keynote areas, matchmaking opportunities and the parallel event BIOTECHNICA


Range of Topics in LABVOLUTION Germany:

The LABVOLUTION exhibition program reflects developments in products and services across a broad spectrum embracing the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, medical technology and quality control.


Products & Services LABVOLUTION Hanover:

  • Lab equipment and infrastructure, laboratory automation, robotics, communication and information technology 
  • Analysis – analytical aids and equipment through to quality control, measuring and testing technology 
  • Supplies and consumables, reagents and chemicals 
  • Applications and processes: analysis, process technology, biotechnology, medical technology, nanotechnology, microsystems technology, etc. 
  • Specialist services: data banks, specialist literature, contract research and development, contract analysis, rapid prototyping, etc.
For further information, please click here .
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Hannover Messe
Messegelände, 30521, Hannover, Germany

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