Russia continues to be one of the top five world markets for welding products. The total supply of products and services related to joining and welding technologies to the Russian Federation encompassed a value of over 930 million US Dollars: GERMANY - 20%, CHINA - 18%, ITALY - 15%
Main topics of SVARKA / WELDING 2025:
- Modernization of welding processes at industrial enterprises.
- Introduction of advanced, innovative technologies into welding industry.
- Automation and robotics in technological processes.
- Power-saving technologies in welding and thermal production processes.
- Training of qualified specialists and welders, innovations in education.
Special sections of the SVARKA / Welding Russia 2025:
- Quality testing;
- Measuring equipment and technical diagnostics;
- Surface treatment.
Business program 2025 (conferences, workshops, round tables and presentations):
- International conference «modern issues of welding production efficiency improvement»;
- Advanced welding technologies, equipment and materials for trunk pipelines construction and repair;
- Workshop seminar «controlling and quality control of welded seams: control tools, technical diagnostics and nondestructive control»;
- IV Young welders forum;
- The «golden weld» competition.
Results of SVARKA / WELDING 2025:
- The comprehensive spectrum on offer at the 18th SVARKA/WELDING drew more than 3,500 trade visitors into the Show. There was unanimous praise for the premiere of the Business Matchmaking as well as for the first-class supporting programme of the trade fair with twelve conferences, seminars and forums in total.
- The event attracted twice more participants, than in 2012 – more than 250 companies from 18 countries.
- Exhibition space: 3305 sq. m netto
- Exhibitiors: 246 companies from 18 contries and 212 cities of Russian Federation, National participation of Germany and China
- Visitors: 4530 specialists.
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