Iran HVAC&R Expo > Stand inquiry

Stand inquiry Iran HVAC&R Expo

Without a shadow of doubt the best way to do a price inquiry or a stand booking at the Iran HVAC&R Expo in Tehran, Iran which will be held 04 to 07 Oct 2024, would be definitely visit the official website of the organizer. Otherwise, if for any reason such as:

  • The impossibility of allocating time or specialist staff for follow-up and correspondence,

  • Lack of knowledge and experience in details on booths and stand booking as well as utilities and other additional and incidental services at an international fair,

  • Lack of knowledge and experience in the concepts related to international contracts and in the communication with international organizers,

  • Unable to make an international payments,

    You need some other help, relying on the valuable experiences in price inquiry, stand booking and other booth services at various international exhibitions around the world, which has gained over the past years, "ilikevents" is proudly ready to do a price inquiry and stand booking of the Iran HVAC&R Expo on your behalf.

هزینه Stand inquiry Iran HVAC&R Expo

Service Meter Price
Call For Stand Price Service {{price29186 |number:0}}

Advantages of using stand booking services:

  • Planning for timely action to register,

  • Faster registration process,

  • Reducing the concern about registration and get a booth at the exhibition,

  • More accuracy in the registration process and reducing the costs due to mistakes by inexpert personnel,


You will receive the following services:

  • All steps of registration and its administrative and financial affairs,

  • Locating your stand in the best place possible at the floor plan of  the exhibition area,

  • Receiving special features such as phone, internet, Lockable office and ...

  • Receiving the licenses for all utilities such as electricity branching, water branching, stand building and ..

  • Receiving a parking card, visitor card and exhibitor booth staff card,

How the system works?

  • Your application will be reviewed by qualified experts in ilikevents.

  • If you are eligible to book a stand at the exhibition, a contract will be signed with you for this purpose as well as price inquiry.

  • In the contract, in addition to accepting the costs of the price inquiry, the stand booking, the financial transactions, the services fee and providing required information, you authorize us to communicate with the organizer of the exhibition on your behalf.

  • After communicating with the organizer and receiving the appropriate response, you will be provided with all the documents and the obligations of the ilikevents will be accomplished.

Important Points:

  • It is noteworthy that this company does not have any representation, whether exclusive or not, in the stand booking or price inquiry.

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