هزینه Pre-Registration CPHI China
{{original_price29667 |number:0}} GBP {{price29667 |number:0}} GBP
{{original_price29667 |number:0}} GBP
Service | Number of passengers | Price |
Pre-Registration for CPHI China | {{price29667 |number:0}} |
Your 5-day entry badge will give you full access to:
✓5000+ F&B exhibitors from 120 countries
✓24 halls and 1 million sq. ft of F&B products and innovation
✓Gulfood Inspire conference
✓Top Table – an extravagant culinary experience featuring over 100 local and international chefs
✓ All workshops and talks at the event
✓Connexions – Our official event app and meetings programme, allowing you to network and pre-schedule meetings even before the event, and manage your visit in just a few clicks.